
Saturday, December 15, 2012

Big Brother

When I was in kindergarten I so desperately wanted a big brother that I invented one.  I told all my classmates that I had an older brother who was in the army (to explain why he wasn’t around).  This was totally ok, because my best friend Jenny, also the eldest child, also created an older brother.  And from that point on I have always craved an older brother.

I don’t know what it was.  I may have been somewhat jealous of my younger sister and brother’s relationship.  Born only 13 months apart they were each other’s best friend and my brother looked out for her in a sweet way.  I also had an older cousin, Dan, who I was totally obsessed with.  He was cool and five years older than I and I would go to bed at night wishing he were my brother.  Weird.

At any rate I have always hoped in my heart that I would have a boy first to be that older brother to his younger sister.  And I can’t even begin to explain how happy it makes me to see Monster with Toots.

Monster is already the sweetest big brother to Toots.  He adores her and will randomly stop playing to give her a big hug or say “Hi!”  He always says good night to her and looks for her in her crib first thing in the morning.

Last week, while we were getting ready for our day, Toots and Monster were hanging out together on our big bed. I needed to run into their room to get clothes for them so I told Monster to keep an eye on his sister and not let her fall off the bed.  Truth be told Curious George was on the television so I didn’t really think that he had heard me or would follow through. 

From the other room I heard him say, “No, no, Toots!  No, no Toots!”  I come rushing into my room to find him holding his sister by the ankle.  She was nowhere near the edge of the bed and had maybe tried to move about an inch.  But Monster was determined to do his job and keep her from falling off the bed.  Oh my sweet boy. 

Add this to the list of things that make a mama proud.  I hope this is the kind of story that weaves itself through our family history in a way that helps to define their sibling relationship.  I hope Monster always takes care to watch out for his sister and she adores his love and attention. 

Monster is exactly the kind of big brother I always wanted.  I hope Toots knows how lucky she is.

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