
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Can good beget good?

Like many I've watched the news on the Boston Marathon bombings with a heavy heart and an anxious stomach.  As a marathoner this feels closer to home than some other tragedies.  I know what a finish line feels like after 26.2, the emotions, the exhaustion.  The Boston marathon is any ordinary marathon times a thousand- the height of a finish line experience.  And this- this act of evil set off in the middle of it all.  I just can't.

The news people are speculating that this was a domestic act of terrorism.  One of our own.  They cited lots of reasons why they believe this, but one stuck out.  Throughout our American history this week this time between April 15th-ish to 20th-ish has been a week of horrors.  Columbine, Virginia Tech, Oklahoma City all saw tragedies during this period.  The reason for this common occurrence?  Hitler's birthday on April 20th.

Evil begets evil.  One man's reign of terror spawns multiple other acts of terror in his honor.  One act of evil opens the door for another and each time the stakes are raised and the evil compounds.  If I think too hard about it I lose all faith in humanity and only long for heaven.

I sat on my parents living room floor watching the news coverage while my children climbed over my legs simultaneously playing independently and demanding my attention.  Attention that shifted between tragic horror and joyful coos.  It's hard to lose all faith in humanity when your eleven month old is working hard for your affection, showing off and preening perfectly.

And so as I realized that evil begets evil I wondered if that also meant good begets good.  Does one act of good open the door for another, raising the stakes each time?  Can goodness compound?

On a night like this I have a hard time believing.  With images of blood soaked streets and news of an eight year old victim dead believing that good begets good isn't a simple act.  I must choose to believe.  I must choose it with every ounce of will and faith.  Because I can't live in a world where evil begets evil if good doesn't also beget good.  And while evil will always scream louder than good I am also reminded that Satan's voice always seems louder than God's still, quiet whispers.  But God's voice, His soft, freeing voice of love and goodness is always there, just beneath the surface, waiting for me to tune in.  And the good that is begetting good is there too.  Small acts of kindness compounding upon more acts of kindness.  One large act of evil will scream, but the thousands of acts of good will rise together.  And if we tune into them, focusing on that good will beget more good.  I believe it.

If you need proof, read this.

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