
Saturday, June 15, 2013

I'm leaving in a 12 passenger van, don't know when I'll be back again (next Saturday)

One of the hazards of the job that is youth ministry is the student mission trip.  Pretty much every leader of the youths takes their kids in one or many 12 passenger vans to some location to serve those in need. And I am no exception.  Today I embark on such a trip.  Tommy and I, along with my rock star volunteer leader Liz (St. Liz as she is known in my heart), will take 11 high school students to Omaha to do home repair and general merry making for the fine people of Nebraska.  It's 7 nights, 8 days of together time with my favorite students.

I've been dreading it for weeks.

I haven't been on one of these trips in two years.  Last year I had a newborn and leaving for a week was out of the cards.  I remember dreading it two years ago.  Dreading the week of camp songs and early morning wake ups.  Dreading the ice breakers and sleeping on air mattresses.  Most of all dreading leaving my then 13 month old Monster for a whole week.  I also remember being surprised by how much fun I had.  How nice it was to have uninterrupted, undistracted time with my students.  How great of an experience it was.

You would think, this time around, I would be able to rest on those positive feelings.  The fun, the great, the happy.  For whatever reason I'm still just dreading.

I think it's because Monster is a little older and more aware of what's going on.  I know that he'll understand that we're gone, but not necessarily that we're coming back soon.  He'll feel the stress and anxiety of separation but not the comfort of "they'll be home in 5 more days, 3 more days, tomorrow!"  Toots is still at that age where she's pretty much fine as long as there is an adult in the room that loves her.  But my best boy... he's in a harder spot.  Add to that the shaky potty training status we've achieved and the fact that despite my difficult to make request he is starting back up at school after a two week break with a new teacher.   I'm pretty much a disaster over here.

I'm typing up this post on the quick to ask for your prayers for my family if you are the praying type.  Pray for my kiddos.  Pray that they'll feel safe and secure and that the week will fly by.  Pray for Monster as he starts with a new teacher on Monday.  Pray that he doesn't poop his pants at school (it's a legitimate concern).  Pray for my amazing parents as they juggle the two beasts I've birthed.  And pray for Tommy and I.  That we would be present and connected to our students.  That we would enjoy the uninterrupted, undistracted time.  That it would be worth leaving our kids for a week.  And that we would get home safe to these sweet faces.

Thanks pals.  Be well this week.

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