
Saturday, May 17, 2014

Monster turns 4

so excited to be 4.
Monster turned four yesterday.  I anticipated this day with an equal amount of excitement as the birthday boy.  For weeks Monster has asked for a countdown until the big day and yesterday morning he woke up early squealing with excitement, commanding his sister to “sing Happy Birthday to me!”  I love this age, love his joy and excitement, love that the years of setting up traditions are finally paying off.  He knows the birthday drill, looks forward to the little things we do to celebrate him.  And I love that.

What can I say about Monster at age 4? 

He is sweet.  He’s always been sweet, but it continues to be a defining quality to him.  He just has a sweet demeanor.  He is (generally) very kind to those around him, particularly smaller kids.  He loves his little sister and protects her in a way that I, as the oldest child, always craved an older brother would.  (The exception of course is when he is pretending his sister is the “bad guy” to his batman.  Then all protection bets are off and it usually results in a time out for head butting.)  He will often spontaneously blurt out, “Mommy, I wub you” (Mommy, I love you) for absolutely no reason at all.  And when he comes home from school each day we spend about 15 minutes sitting together on Noni’s brown leather recliner snuggling before Toots wakes up from her nap.  Often he hugs by belly and says “Baby, I wub you.”

worst picture taker ever.
He is a rule follower.  We are working on trying to encourage his own good behavior while also discourage his tendency to try to enforce the rules on everyone else (because while I want him to do the right thing, I don’t want him to be that annoying kid.)  But I am thankful for his natural tendency to stay in line (particularly on days I have my hands full with his slightly more rebellious sister).

wears capes everywhere.  in case he needs to save the day.
 He is obsessed with super heroes.  Batman reigns supreme around here but all masked and cape-wearing do-gooders are endeared.  At the park last month he introduced himself to a little girl as “Batman” and did the same for a group of parents on a tour at his school.  He asked for batman cake pops instead of cupcakes for his birthday breakfast treat and for his birthday party all he requested was a batman piñata.  We indulge this obsession because, well, it’s fun when your kids are excited about something.  Secret #84,568 about parenting: you will take as much joy as your children do in the things that interest them.
In his four years on earth my best boy has had to overcome more challenges than most and endure more transition than his change-adverse personality would have preferred.  But, especially this year, he has astounded me with his resilience.  In four years he has been diagnosedwith a hearing loss, learned, a year late to the game, how to listen and speak, moved, started attending full time school, received a cochlear implant that completely changed his entire way of hearing, re-learned how to listen andspeak with this new device and lost his beloved Granda.  My boy has not been known for an ability to go with the flow.  He is routine oriented and does not like change.  And yet this year, more than ever, he has seriously amazed me with his ability to tackle big hurdles.  We had our moments, to be sure, but overall each challenge has served to make him stronger, more capable and better able to handle change. 

I couldn’t be prouder of my Monster.  Four years ago he made me a mom and each year I fall more and more in love with him and the unique ways in which God made him.

Happy Birthday Monster.  We love you so!

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